Arborist USA provides Oak Wilt Treatment with Fungicide Injections in Fort Worth, TX.
Oak Wilt is an aggressive pathogen that spreads rapidly and is deadly. This tree disease can cause further decline to all contaminated trees causing other surrounding trees to decline or die.
Unfortunately, very common in the North Texas region with native Oaks, especially Live Oaks and Red Oaks. If you have any Oak Trees on your property, please call (817) 880-6130 for our Plant Health Care specialist to evaluate your trees with a tree health assessment in Fort Worth, TX.
If you need Oak Wilt Treatment in Fort Worth, TX, please get in touch with Arborist USA today at (817) 880-6130, your Sick Tree Disease Specialist.
The first stage of Oak Wilt is a disease that initiates in the inner vascular system, where all nutrients and water transmits. The vascular system will begin to block the nutrients to start discoloration of “veinal necrosis,” where the leaves vines begin to brown or yellow in the inner courts. Signs of Oak Wilt will appear on foliation soon after, causing further decline or death within or lesser than 4 to 6 months, depending on tree stages.
Treating diseased trees in Fort Worth, TX, must be administered as soon as the first signs of disease become prevalent. Infections of such diseases spread rapidly, so treating trees surrounding or monitoring trees is imperative. With Oak Wilt being one of the top aggressive pathogens, it is proven any trees within 50 to 100 yards of diseased trees are targets for the disease.
Contact us if you have any concerns over your Oaks today or need Oak Wilt Treatment in Fort Worth, TX, at (817) 880-6130.
If you’re concerned or have any further questions about our Oak Wilt Treatments or other Tree Disease Treatments in Fort Worth, TX, or surrounding areas in North Texas, please call us at (817) 880-6130.
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